What is WordPress?
WordPress is an online, open source website creation tool written in PHP. But in non-geek speak, it’s probably the easiest and most powerful blogging and website content management system (or CMS) in existence today. There’s nothing to install on your computer and you don’t need any special tools. You can update your website from anywhere that you have an Internet connection – even your smartphone.
Best of all, WordPress is free in every sense of the word. It’s both free to use and free to modify. So, if you are the sort of person who likes to tinker with code, you can dig in and make WordPress do just about anything you want it to. Unlike other free website building tools, WordPress is completely portable. That means you can host your website anywhere and move it at any time.
What’s New in WordPress 5.6?
WordPress 5.6 was released earlier today, and it is the last major release of 2020.
This new release is packed with a lot of improvements and new features. It also includes a brand new default WordPress theme.
Twenty Twenty-One – The New Default WordPress Theme
WordPress traditionally releases a new default theme each year which is usually named after the year. WordPress 5.6 comes with Twenty Twenty-One as the new default WordPress theme. This new theme provides a canvas for the WordPress block editor and the site editing features. It is designed to be simple, aesthetically pleasing, un-opinionated, and refreshing.

The Block Editor Improvements
The WordPress content editor is where users spend most of their time writing blog posts, creating pages, and making layouts. WordPress 5.6 brings several improvements to the block editor. Here are some of the most noticeable changes to the block editor in WordPress 5.6. Video Position Control for The Cover Block Previously cover block only showed position controls for images. With WordPress 5.6, the cover block now allows users to set video position inside the cover block.

Automatic Updates for Major WordPress Releases
Earlier this year, WordPress 5.5 made it easier for users to turn on automatic updates for specific plugins. WordPress 5.6 extended this by adding the option to turn on automatic updates for major WordPress releases as well. You can go to Dashboard » Updates page inside WordPress admin area and click on the ‘Enable automatic updates for all new versions of WordPress’ link.
Support for PHP 8

Application Passwords for REST API
The REST API in WordPress allows developers to communicate with a website outside the WordPress installation itself. To keep it safe, WordPress used cookies and nonce keys to ensure that only legitimate users can access the API. For developers, these methods were not very efficient to work with. WordPress 5.6 will allow developers to use application passwords in WordPress. Just like popular platforms Facebook and Google, the users can now give apps access to their website and manage it from the Users » Profile page. Users can also revoke an app’s access at any time.
Under The Hood Changes
WordPress 5.6 has arrived with tons of features and improvements targeted towards developers. The following are some of the most significant under the hood changes. WordPress 5.6 continues the second phase of the three-step plan to upgrade the core jQuery bundled with WordPress. Theme and plugin developers relying on jQuery are already testing their code for any issues so it is not likely to affect large number of users. The new 5.6 release also includes REST API Batch Framework for making a series of REST API calls in one request to the server. A new actionwp_after_insert_post
is also available in WordPress 5.6. It allows theme and plugin developers to run custom code after a post and its terms and meta data have been updated. WordPress 5.6 has replaced older-style PHP type conversion functions with type casts. WordPress 5.6 also introduced the ability to merge WP_Error objects into one another. This would allow developers to add more than one item of data to the WP_Error object.Top and Reliable WordPress 5.6 Hosting With 99.9% Uptime Guarantee
The ASPHostPortal.com’s ASP.NET hosting platform on Windows 2012 and Windows 2008 is compatible with WordPress 5.6 hosting. Of course, you can feel very comfortable with their hosting service. Their best and cheap WordPress 5.6 hosting plan is starting from $5.00/mo only. And with their promo code, you can get free domain too. Not only that, they also offer 30 days money back guarantee. Their servers are 99.99% uptime, it is important think that you need for your WordPress 5.6 site, so your site is never down.
ASPHostPortal.com provides WordPress-optimized managed hosting solutions for online merchants of all sizes. Since 2008, they’ve been committed to delivering superior performance, reliability, security, and support to their clients. Every WordPress hosting deployment is engineered from the ground up to be responsive, scalable, and cost-effective.
Their cloud and dedicated web hosting packages offer flexible, fast and secure support for your WordPress site hosted in their state of the art Australia data centers. With reliable handling for any volume of traffic their WordPress web hosting is fast, dependable and secure.
WindowsASPNETHosting.IN is an advanced web hosting company specializing in WordPress hosting solutions. WindowsASPNETHosting.IN combines the fastest, most reliable hardware in the industry with the highest performing infrastructure, to create an optimal environment for hosting WordPress sites. Backed by a superior 24/7 customer support team, the WindowsASPNETHosting.IN platform maintains an unsurpassed level of quality, innovation and performance in order to provide customers reassurance that his/her site will be supported by the hardware and resources needed to maximize revenue.
Why You Should Use WordPress?
WordPress is Free as in Freedom
WordPress is a free software, this means you are free to download, install, use and modify it. You can use it to create any kind of website. It is also open source which means the source code of the software is available for any one to study, modify and play with.
WordPress is Easy to Use and Learn
WordPress is used by millions of people and almost every day new people are joining the WordPress community by creating their first WordPress powered websites. The reason why people quickly adapt to WordPress is because it is fairly easy to use.
WordPress is Extendable by Using Themes and Plugins
Most people using WordPress are neither web designers nor programmers. As a matter of fact most folks start using WordPress without any prior knowledge of designing websites.
The reason why WordPress is such an ideal candidate is because there are thousands of free templates (themes) to choose from, so you can give your website any look you want.
WordPress is Search Engine Friendly
WordPress is written using standard compliance high quality code and produces semantic mark up which makes your site very attractive to search engines.
WordPress is Easy To Manage
WordPress comes with built-in updater that allows you to update your plugins and themes from within your WordPress admin dashboard. It also notifies you when there is a new version of WordPress is available, so you can update it by just clicking a button. You can keep all your WordPress content safe by setting up automated regular WordPress Backups.
WordPress is Safe and Secure
WordPress is developed with security in mind, so it is considered quite safe and secure to run any website. However, just like the real world, the internet can be an uncertain place.
WordPress Can Handle Different Media Types
Using WordPress you are not just limited to writing text. It comes with built-in support to handle images, audio, and video content. You can also use for document or file management.