Announces ASP.NET Core 1.0 Hosting Solution is a well-known Windows hosting company and even one of the most famous, though it is one of the oldest Windows hosting companies. Their packages have gone through major changes recently, and all of them goes for the goodness of every customers. Today, they launch ASP.NET Core 1.0 hosting with interested hosting packages. 3 […] Proudly Announces DNS Failover Service is an expert web hosting organization that has been around given that 2008. As stated in their mission, their objective would be to offer quality internet hosting solutions with constant innovation and service upgrades at no extra cost to their customers. builds their servers, has their own nationwide fiber network and their own […] Proudly Announces DotNetNuke 7.4.2 Hosting is considered one of the best among the many web hosts and is very well-known for its reliable servers and most of all exceptional customer service. It relies on the customer satisfaction and hence it offers great prices as well as quality service and most of all the reliability that customers expect in a […]